Thank you from Garths family
A message from Garths wife - Cathy Steele: Thank you to everyone for your kind words, memories of Garth, and prayers over the last few...
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis -Â Lou Gehrig's disease
A message from Garths wife - Cathy Steele: Thank you to everyone for your kind words, memories of Garth, and prayers over the last few...
After almost five years battling ALS, this past weekend, Garth went to be with his Heavenly Father. He fought until the last moment but...
Health Update Not much has changed in the last three months since Thanksgiving. I got the Botox shots which have helped reduce the...
Health Update We did our quarterly ALS Clinic meeting by Zoom this week. We didn't go in person because there is nothing they can do —...
Psalm 34:1-8 I will thank the Lord at all times. My mouth will always praise him. My soul will boast about the Lord. Those who are...
Health Update I had an appointment with the ALS clinic this week. They say that my lung capacity has dropped from 16% in November to 7%...
Health Update My hands and arms are getting a lot weaker. I need someone to help me move my hand to the control module of my electric...
Well, it's been three months since my last post. A lot has happened in those days! Good family times but also deterioration in my...
It’s been almost six months since my last post. I can’t type these days on a computer (but I can still slowly type on my Ipad) so my...
It has been over 3 months since my last post. Not that nothing has happened, but it is getting hard to get things done. My lovely wife,...
Summer / Health Update Summer has flown by so fast! I've been able to enjoy a lot of backyard time and am so appreciative of the visits...
Well, it's been one year since I received the ALS diagnosis on May 27, 2021. Today I am celebrating that: I am alive; my spirits are...
I apologize for not having updated my blog since January 9th! I know that many of you are concerned that I haven't been well enough to...
Despite the gloom and doom of the ALS diagnosis, there have been a lot of good things to celebrate in my life in the last six weeks since...
Here's a picture of an historic milestone marker in Ireland! I was just reading a list of the most important milestones in a person's...
Wow! I can't believe it's been 9 weeks since my last post about my ALS journey. I had originally thought I'd be able to write every...
I've been watching a lot of the Olympic games over the past week. It's amazing to see the physical strength that can be developed in an...
Here's a picture of me waterskiing with the Canadian flag on my back on July 1, 2020. With the loss of muscle over the past year,...
It's been four weeks since I received the news that I have ALS. When you have ALS, your brain stops speaking to the nerves that control...