Well, it's been three months since my last post. A lot has happened in those days! Good family times but also deterioration in my physical body. Here's a summary of all that's happened.
Fun Things In Life
I'm expecting two new grandchildren this fall. Here's a picture of my daughter-in-law, Brianne Bond (married to my son, Deagan) and my daughter, Hannah (married to Connor Schmitt) with their big bellies touching each other. They don't know the gender of their children. I'm glad to have either a grandson or a granddaughter!

Speaking of grandchildren, here's a picture of my three "adopted" grandchildren, Skylar, and her twin brothers. There's a long story behind this wonderful part of my family...

My high school celebrated sixty years this summer. I wasn't able to attend the event but I had some old class mates come and visit me. The first picture is of Peter MacLeod.

We went to school from kindergarten to grade thirteen! Peter was a great sports enthusiast and I was more in to music. But the two of us battled for top marks in math class! The second picture shows my brother Shaun, a friend from Winchester, Bruce Beattie, and my fellow band mate Gail McDonald.

And even though I've lost 80 pounds, I can still make my head look handsome with a great looking haircut done right in my kitchen by Tina Cornish. Thanks Tina!

And I celebrated my 63rd birthday on September 15th. Here is a picture of me and my siblings, from left to right: Kyle, Kim, Shaun, Bart and Jill.

Health Update
In the last few months my mobility has decreased significantly. I'm not walking at all. I can't lift my arms to scratch my chin or to use a pen to sign my name on documents! I am using a mask with my breathing machine most of the day and all of the night. To write this blog I'm using what is called an "eye gaze machine". Here is a picture of me wearing the mask and using my eyes to "type" this very paragraph.

I still eat solid food but one out of five meals I will end up choking on a tiny bit of food. It may take 15 minutes to 6 hours to clear it up. Can be lots of phlegm created in the throat and upper chest. Very frustrating that my chest muscles are not strong enough to cough it out.
I'm also using a sling lift to get myself from my wheelchair to my bed or to the commode (the portable toilet). It takes two people to do this job, so we now have PSW's at the house from 8am to 10pm every day. Here is a picture of my favorite assistant, Jane, helping me transport to the bed.

Faith Over Fear
Despite what I see happening in my life, I continue to trust in my faith in God to get me through this! As my strength weakens, I am counting on the strength of Jesus Christ to build me up. As it says in Isaiah 40: 29-31, "He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak; Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength."
A similar thought is in 2 Corinthians 12: 9 where Jesus says "My power is strongest when you are weak. " So I will brag even more in my weaknesses in order that Christ's power will live in me. As it says in Philippians 4: 13, "I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me." So I'm counting on my faith in Jesus to bring healing to my body!
Keep praying for my faith in Christ!
I love you all and am so thankful for the many ways you support our family. Especially the way you relieve the burden on my beloved wife, Cathy. Thanks for the food you bring and for the social time you spend with her. And special thanks to Cathy's best friend, Brenda Kelly, who's been living with us off and on for the past few months and has been preparing meals for us frequently!
I've updated the prayer points which you can find on the home page of the website or using this link https://www.faith-over-fear.ca/blank-page
May God, the source of hope, fill you with joy and peace through your faith in him. Then you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13